This year’s UNIST commencement ceremony also featured the presentation of the newly-established ‘Yebong Best Dissertation Award’.
Established from the funds donated by the first UNIST President Moo Je Cho, the Yebong Best Dissertation Award is given to the author of the best doctoral dissertation. The aim is to recognize and encourage superior research and writing by doctoral candidates in any field of study. This reflects the will of the former President Moo Je Cho who has always emphasized the quality over quantity in research.
The first recipient of ‘Yebong Best Dissertation Award’ was Dr. Dong-Bin Shin (Adviser: Professor Noejung Park) in the Department of Physics. The award comprises a plaque, a certificate, and a cash prize of KRW 3,000,000. During his doctoral studies at UNIST, he has participated in about 21 SCI-level research papers and 5 of those have been published in the top 1% journals in the related field of physics.

From left are Professor Noejung Park in the School of Natural Sciences and Dr. Dong-Bin Shin.
Dr. Shin has been involved in several studies on the identification of the electronic structure and properties of matter. Following graduation, he will serve as a postdoctoral researcher at the Max Planck Institute for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter (MPSD) in Germany.
“Over the 10 years at UNIST, I have had a lot of milestones, a lot of big moments,” says Dr. Shin. “I would like to thank my fellow graduate students and all the faculty members who have worked so hard towards educating us.”
“Many thanks go in particular to my advisor Professor Noejung Park for guiding and supporting me over the years,” says Dr. Shin. “A word of special appreciation goes to former UNIST President Moo Je Cho who has given this meaningful prize and made significant contributions towards the advancement of UNIST since its establishment.”