A research team, led by Professor Jong-Beom Baek in the School of Energy and Chemical Engineering at UNIST has succeeded in synthesizing a unique ladder-type hydrophenazine (HP)-linked fused aromatic network (HP-FAN), a new breed of 2D polymers (2DPs), whose macromolecular backbones are formed of uninterrupted fused HP rings via aromatization reaction.

Figure 1. Schematic image of the ladder-type hydrophenazine-linked 2D fused aromatic network.
According to the research team, the proposed HP-FAN films are demonstrated to exhibit a semiconducting band gap with a unique flat band, along with high conductivity, facile charge transport properties, and structural rigidity. In addition, they demonstrate remarkable performances as electronic devices with high mobility and on/off current ratio, and thus are expected to provide a significant leap in the design and further advance in semiconducting 2D polymers.
“The present work sheds light on the synthesis of unique ladder-type crystalline 2DPs for future potential optoelectronic devices and explores their charge transport features,” noted the research team.

Figure 2. Images of HP-FAN films, fabricated on a silicon wafer substrate.
This study has been carried out in collaboration with Professor Kilwon Cho and his research team in the Department of Chemical Engineering at POSTECH. Their findings have been published in the August 2022 issue of Chem, a sister journal to Cell. It has been supported by the Creative Research Initiative (CRI), Science Research Center (SRC), and Young Researcher programs through the National Research Foundation (NRF) of Korea. This study has also been supported by the U-K brand project of UNIST.
Journal Reference
Hyuk-Jun Noh, Sein Chung, Mahmut Sait Okyay, et al., “Hydrophenazine-linked two-dimensional ladder-type crystalline fused aromatic network with high charge transport,” Chem, (2022).