A grand opening celebration to commemorate the completion of the Ulsan Industry-University Convergence District was held in the Auditorium of the UNIST Industry-University Convergence Center on March 23, 2018. The official launching of this new industry-academic cooperation hub will help enhance academic-industry relationships and help UNIST-invented technologies move more quickly from lab to market.
The launch welcomed over 200 distinguished guests and representatives in both central and local governments. Among those present were Mayor Gi-Hyeon Kim of Ulsan Metropolitan City, Council Chairman Si Cheol Yoon of Ulsan City Council, Namgu Disctick Governor Dong-Wook Seo, First Vice Minister In-ho Lee of Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, Congressman Maeng-Woo Park, Congressman Che-Ik Lee, Congressman Kab Yoon Jeong, President Mooyoung Jung of UNIST, President Yeon-Cheon Oh of Ulsan University, and President Jeongseok Heo Ulsan College.

Professor Byoung Ki Seo (second from left) was honored at the award ceremony for his efforts toward the successful completion of the Ulsan Industry-University Convergence District.
The event, which was held along with the annual 12th Ulsan Chemistry Day, consisted of the annual progress report on Ulsan Chemistry Day and Ulsan Industry-University Convergence District, a commendation ceremony, as well as welcoming addresses and congratulatory remarks made by key governmental officials.
The commendation ceremony was held to honor those who have made noteworthy contributions to the establishment of Ulsan Industry-University Convergence District, as well as to commemorate the annual Ulsan Chemistry Day. Professor Byoung Ki Seo in the School of Business Administration at UNIST was honored at the award ceremony for his efforts toward the successful completion of the Ulsan Industry-University Convergence District. A formal ribbon-cutting ceremony was followed by a grand tour of its facilities.

Aerial view of UNIST’s new campus, Industry-University Convergence Campus, located near the Ulsan Industry-University Convergence District in Duwang-dong, Nam-gu.
Located in the Ulsan Techno Industrial Complex, the Ulsan Industry-University Convergence District will establish a field-oriented education system, as a basis for the integration of universities and industrial enterprises. Through this, it aims to contribute to creating a virtuous cycle structure of more R&D, more manpower cultivation, better education system, and higher economic growth within the industrial complex.
A total of 9 organizations have moved into the complex, including UNIST, Ulsan City, Ulsan College, Ulsan Technopark, Korea Industrial Complex Corporation (Ulsan Headquarter), Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology (KRICT), and Korea Testing & Research Institute (KTR). As for UNIST, this district will be the new home for the School of Management Engineering, the School of System Design and Control Engineering, the Graduate School of Technology and Innovation Management, and the Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Management.

The completion ceremony of the Ulsan Industry-University Convergence District was held, along with the 12th Ulsan Chemistry Day in the Auditorium of the UNIST Industry-University Convergence Center.
The “Global Leader Special Invitation Symposium” was also held in the afternoon, featuring a host of presentations on “Interdisciplinary Chemistry in the Age of the Fourth Industrial Revolution”. Invited speakers include President SungSoo Kim of KRICT, Chief Researcher Jamse Hunt of the Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre (AMRC), and Assistant Professor Valentina Greco at Yale Medical School.
In 2006, Ulsan city has designated “Industry Day” to raise international competitiveness of Ulsan’s three major industries: Petrochemical, Automobile and Shipbuilding. The Ulsan Chemistry Day was founded in 2007 to commemorate the day (March 22, 1968) of groundbreaking ceremony of Ulsan Petrochemical Industrial Complex.