UNIST will see a boost to its AI education and research thanks to InterX Co., Ltd.
On December 10, UNIST held a donation ceremony to commemorate and display gratitude for InterX Co., Ltd.’s generous donation of KRW 10 million. The money will be used as a development fund for the establishment of AI Media Lab, which is being promoted by the College of Info-Bio Convergence Engineering at UNIST. The new laboratory will deliver AI-based convergence education and research with the aim of educating and training leaders for the future of AI.

The development fund donation ceremony took place at UNIST on December 10, 2020. From left are CEO Jung Yoon Park of InterX Co., Ltd. and Vice President Jaiyong Lee of UNIST.
Started as a UNIST-based student venture, InterX Co., Ltd. has grown into a manufacturing AI and big data analysis company. The company is providing an AI service platform that can help manufacturers monitor and optimize production quality and efficiency based on data analyses.
CEO Jung Yoon Park of InterX Co., Ltd., who is a former student of the College of Info-Bio Convergence Engineering at UNIST, is determined to spur the development of smart manufacturing innovation platforms and services based on big data and AI.
Meanwhile, the ceremony has been attended by CEO Jung Yoon Park of InterX Co., Ltd., UNIST Vice President Jaiyong Lee, and Dean Dong Sub Kim (College of Info-Bio Convergence Engineering, UNIST).