A ceremony to mark the official opening of Smart Port Logistics Data Center was held at the UNIST Industry-University Convergence Campus on April 26, 2019. The establishment of this center has been carried out with the purpose of promoting the vision of ‘Transforming Ulsan Port into A Global Smart Port Model’ in this era of 4th industrial revolution.
The Smart Port Logistics Data Center will work on improving response plans to the changes in industrial structure, labour market, and people of talent that are brought by the Fourth Industrial Revolution. In addition, the center plans to find a new business model for data-based business and to establish a strategy to revitalize the data economy. The center, which has been established and operated jointly by Port Authority and UNIST, has successfully attracted an investment of KRW 7.44 billion (KRW 6.49 billion from Ulsan Port Authority and KRW 450 million from UNIST) over the next three years, until the end of 2021.

A welcome speech is delivered by Director Dong Sub Kim of the Industry-University Convergence Campus of UNIST to mark the official opening of the Smart Port Logistics Data Center.
The three main goals of this center are the smart port logistics R&D, fostering of talented human resources, as well as the establishment of industrial knowledge start-up business.
The smart port logistics R&D refers to the task of discovering new growth engines in the port logistics field through the new technology of the fourth industrial revolution such as artificial intelligence and big data. In addition, in order to nurture innovative talents that will lead to intelligent port logistics in the future, we plan to nurture convergent talent through education that combines online and offline. This also includes establishing 10 technology-based start-ups each year, which combines UNIST’s R & D technology with Ulsan Harbor Corporation’s expertise, and supports an annual average of 100 million won for these companies.
“As the largest industry port in Korea and the world’s 4th largest hub port of liquid logistics, Ulsan port will lead the competitiveness of port logistics and boost innovation in the smart port-related industries, find new growth engine, thus contributing to job creation and cultivating talented human resources,” says Vice President Jae Sung Lee of UNIST. “UNIST will display its ability that led it to become a world-class university in a short period of time, thus opening up a new paradigm of smart port through the integration of successful examples of industry-academic cooperation and the technologies of Fourth Industrial Revolution.”

Vice President Jae Sung Lee of UNIST delivered congratulatory remarks on the occasion of the opening ceremony of the Smart Port Logistics Data Center.
More than 100 people attended the event, including Vice President Jae Sung Lee of UNIST, Vice Minister YangSu Kim of the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries (MOF), President Sang-hwan Go of Ulsan Port Authority (UPA), Director Chunsoo Kim of Transportation and Construction Bureau at Ulsan Metropolitan City, Director General Sang-Joon Yoo of Ulsan Regional Office of Oceans and Fisheries, President Seung-hwan Cho of the Korea Institute of Marine Science & Technology Promotion (KIMST), and Chairman Sang Hyun Lee of the Federation of Korean Information Industries (FKII).