UNIST 미디어타워

UNIST, a Government-funded Research Institute

On March 3, 2015, the National Assembly held a parliamentary plenary session to put the revised law to a vote. The law for the status change of UNIST has finally been approved by the Science, ICT, Future Planning, and the Broadcasting Committee of National Assembly of Korea with only four dissenting votes.....


조무제 총장 5

Special Greetings from the UNIST President

Dear all UNIST members!

The law for the status change of UNIST has finally been confirmed by the National Assembly! This is a valuable result after 3 years of effort since its first proposal....



Transition to New Beginnings

The law for the status change of UNIST has finally been approved by the National Assembly with only four dissenting votes. This would bring UNIST to range with three other Korea’s S&T Research Institutes, KAIST, GIST, and DGIST. President Geun-hye Park has 15 days to decide the measure’s fate...



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